WHAT IS COOPERATIVE CARE? -Horses that participate in wellness care.

Improve your relationship with your horse with these easy and effective techniques.

Written by: Patricia Lincourt

Equine exam equine health care veterinary students

Updated: 15-7-2024

Published: 15-7-2024

When I started considering cooperative care as an area of training I found that those of us with dogs and other domestic animals were far behind those who care for exotics and non-domestics. - Deb Jones PhD

Equine cooperative care veterinary care fear free care

One of the most frustrating things for horse owners is when a horse needs vet or farrier care and the horse cannot tolerate it. I get many calls for needle phobias and hoof handling dilemmas! The smallest boo boo to life threating conditions can make for danger to the handlers, owners, vets and farriers, plus the horses themselves.

As a Licensed Veterinary Technician, I was trained in how to restrain various animals for many conditions. These restraint techniques were painful and scary for the animals. Sometimes more harm than good came of it and often they were only partially successful.

Restraint until sedation could be adminstered was routine and still is often necessary for good outcomes. Sedation medications are much improved, safer with shorter duration for quick procedures.

Still, you need to get the sedation medication into the horse, and that by itself can be dangerous.

Other grooming and care procedures such as bathing, clipping and daily medications can be challenging.

Times are changing and now new methods of training can improve the scenario for horses and owners. Cooperaive Care is now a specific Positive Reinforcement Training and Learning Protocol that is very effective at improving outcomes for everyone.

Easy to learn and apply by owners, handlers, vets, farriers and family members. The added side benefit is that it leads to a much better relationship with your horse!

Check out our Cooperative Care workshops and classes on the events page. Sign up for events, check out our social media pages for tips and inspiration.

Lincourt Stables continues our education with a Fear Free study program in colaboration with Animal Heath Care Center and Dr. Lisa Hsuan in Eagle Rock California.

Fear Free Veterinary Certification




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